Does your child not seem to listen? Do they act out or have meltdowns in public? Are they in a place where it seems like no matter what you say you just can’t seem to get through to them?
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this hard! There are techniques you can use that build upon how the young brain thinks, and by understanding this thought process, and implementing the tools discussed in the courses, you can reach the root of what is causing the troublesome behaviors in your kids.
This course is designed for you if you are a…
foster, adoptive or kinship parent
parent of a child who has trauma
parent of a child with ADHD, ADD, ODD and other difficult behaviors

Imagine what life could be like if you could…
Finally feel at peace, because you know your child is happy, you’re happy, and your family is working together toward a shared goal.
Enjoy an improved relationship with your child or grandchild. We’re talking more fun, more play, and more quality time!
Understand exactly what to look and listen for to understand the root of your child’s behavioral issues.
Create a safe, peaceful environment where your child or grandchild can begin to overcome the trauma they’ve endured.
Actually be able to connect and communicate with your child or grandchild.
Feel confident knowing that your child has the tools to make good choices.
Witness your child thriving at home and at school.
This is all 100% possible for you and your family...
You just need the right tools.
The reality is, there are 3 common beliefs that can pop up as roadblocks on the path to becoming a confident, drama-free parent, especially when you’re raising a child who has experienced difficulty or trauma. But once you dismantle these roadblocks, you’ll be in a much better position to connect and communicate with your child:
"My child is out of control."
I hear you. When you’re tired, stressed, worried, and feeling like you’re out of options, it starts to get really easy to come to the conclusion that your child is simply out of control. But here’s something I’d love for you to consider: the way you communicate with your child can have a major effect on how they respond and behave. The reality is, as a parent, you can’t be at peace when you’re trying to maintain control.

"My child is oppositional and defiant, no matter what I ask or tell them to do."
You’re not alone here. When it feels like your child is oppositional and defiant no matter what, it’s important to remember that behavior is a form of communication. Your child or grandchild isn’t necessarily trying to be difficult; they simply have unmet needs that they might not have the tools to figure out.
"I’m at my wits’ end with my child’s behavior. I’ve tried everything; there’s nothing more I can do."
The bottom line: traditional parenting strategies are out of date, and relying on the generational parenting behaviors we’re all so familiar with isn’t doing us (or our kids) any favors.

Here’s the good news:
when you feel at peace as a parent, you understand how to communicate with your child, and you truly get the “why” behind your child’s needs and behavior, it becomes much easier to connect with them and provide a safe, supportive space in which to grow and flourish.
How do I know?
Because after 31 years as an adoptive parent and caregiver to children who have experienced trauma, my work as a Certified Trauma-Informed Care Parent Coach, and over 20 years of experience counseling families dealing with trauma, I’ve tried it all.
And I teach parents and caregivers how to transform their ineffective parenting patterns into empowering parenting behaviors so they can create drama-free households.
I’m originally from Monroe, Louisiana, where I was born when my mom was just a teenager. I also spent a few years living with my aunt in Kansas City. I’ve always had that entrepreneurial spirit — I always looked for a way to turn ideas into action. Earlier in my career, I worked in ministry, owned a real estate company, and even spent several years as a writer.

Then, 31 years ago, my wife and I adopted our son, Jordan. When he was in second grade, Jordan was diagnosed with ADHD. We were given a prescription for medication and ushered out of the doctor’s office, and that’s it. We didn’t know what our son’s future would look like, because there were zero options or resources available for parents of children who had experienced trauma.
That’s when I first realized that there had to be a better way.
Eventually, we discovered Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), a methodology specifically developed to help children who have experienced harm, trauma, or adversity. My wife and I were so impressed with the strategy and outcomes that we decided to become trained facilitators through the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development at the Texas Christian University College of Science and Engineering.
Today, my wife and I are raising our four grandchildren: an 8-year-old, a 5-year-old, and 3-year-old twins.
To help children who’ve experienced trauma, you have to start with the caregivers.
The mental health cycles that begin in childhood often extend far beyond childhood, even through generations.
Traditional parenting models are outdated, and they’re not serving you or your kids. That’s why I’m on a mission to change the approach to parenting so that caregivers like you can feel confident in your choices and see your children thrive.
Are you ready to feel confident in your ability to be a successful parent, create a happy, safe home, and watch with pride as your child grows into a well-rounded person?
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy
Feautring the 3C+ Parenting Method (Communicate, Connect, and Collaborate)
It’s my signature method developed specifically for kinship caregivers, foster parents, and adoptive parents who have tried all the love, tools, strategies, and tips but still have yet to find anything that WORKS. The Drama-Free Parenting Academy is based on trust and communication, and it’s here to help you gain confidence in your parenting skills, fully understand your child’s needs, truly connect with your child or grandchild, and create a home environment that’s safe, peaceful, and empowering.

Which includes…
9 Learning Modules
That will lead you step-by-step through the key fundamentals of discovery, transformation, and empowerment on the road to becoming a Drama-Free Parent
27 Tools and Exercises
To help you take action and dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course
Private Facebook Community
Here’s what you’ll get in the Academy:
Phase 1: Discovery
Becoming a Curious Parent
Module 01
Identifying Generational Parenting Patterns
In this module, we’re talking all about the lessons we picked up from watching our parents and how modeling that same behavior might not be serving us (or our kids). We all learned what we know about parenting from our parents, and the data shows that the way we parent our children will determine how they live, behave, and grow. Here’s our chance to really examine those generational parenting tendencies and patterns.
By the time you’re finished with Module 1, you’ll have a better understanding of the things you’re doing that can actually cause harm, and you’ll discover why the strategies you’ve been using up until now haven’t been effective.

We’ll dive into:
What are your generational parenting patterns?
How did you get here, and how are generational patterns affecting your parenting?
The difference between “Power Over” Parenting vs “Empowered” Parenting
You’ll use the following tools:
Trauma Checklist to help you take inventory of the generational parenting behaviors that have caused harm or been ineffective.
Journaling Exercises to aid you in assessing your own parents’ behavior and how it has influenced your own parenting.
A Sharing Exercise in the Facebook group, so you can connect with fellow parents while feeling seen, heard, and understood.
Awakening to “Power Over” Parenting Style Patterns Worksheet to help solidify your understanding of the top 5 properties of Empowered Parenting vs the top 5 properties of Power Over Parenting.

Module 02
Learning Your Parenting Triggers
In this module, we’re digging in and doing the important but not-always-comfortable work of getting to know your triggers. Why does it matter? Because your child’s unresolved trauma can trigger your own unresolved trauma. Once you assess your own life, influences, and behavior, you’ll be in a better position to parent your child from a place of nurturing and support.
By the time you’re finished with Module 2, you’ll have a better understanding of your triggers, including what they are and where they come from. You’ll also have a chance to reflect on the areas of unresolved trauma you may have in your own life.
We’ll dive into:
Behavior triggers: what are they, where do they come from, and why do they matter?
Identifying your own triggers
How your child’s behavior can set off those triggers
Responding to your child’s trauma
Responding to your own unresolved trauma
You’ll use the following tools:
Identifying Your Triggers Guide to help you get ultra-clear on your triggers and how and why your child’s behavior might set them off.
Reflective Journaling Exercises to guide you in reflecting on your past, connecting to your own trauma, and understanding how that affects the way you parent your child or grandchild.
A Sharing Exercise in the Facebook group, so you can feel seen and supported by parents who are on a similar journey.
Module 03
Identify Your Limiting Beliefs
In this module, we’re talking limiting beliefs. Why? Because limiting beliefs take up valuable mental and physical space, and they can prevent you from both parenting effectively and developing a close relationship with your child.
By the time you’re finished with Module 3, you’ll know what your limiting beliefs are, how they affect your behavior, and how they can impact the relationship with your child. But here’s the best part: you won’t just learn how to release those limiting beliefs — you’ll learn how to create new beliefs that will enable you to have better interactions with your child and with yourself.

We’ll dive into:
Understanding where your limiting beliefs come from
Releasing limiting beliefs
How to create new beliefs
You’ll use the following tools:
Forgiveness Meditation: Chances are, some of the limiting beliefs you have took root back when you were a child being parented. The forgiveness meditation is the perfect opportunity to make peace with the way you were parented so you can create new patterns with your own children or grandchildren.
A Healing Journaling Exercise to help you get clarity on where these beliefs came from, where they live in your mind and body, and how they might be preventing you from showing up as the parent you want to be.
The Forgiveness Letter Worksheet: Forgiveness is an important part of the healing process, and writing this forgiveness letter — with a worksheet to guide you — is designed to help you release the hurt and resentment you may be harboring (toward your parents or toward yourself).
Phase 2: Transformation
Becoming a Mindful Parent

Module 04
Mental makeover
In this module, you’ll learn about creating space — through identifying your triggers, understanding your limiting beliefs, and working toward a place of forgiveness — and why it’s essential when it comes to changing your mindset around parenting.
By the time you’re finished with Module 4, you’ll understand how getting clear on your OWN childhood story can pave the way for a mental makeover when it comes to parenting. You’ll learn how creating space for yourself can lead to developing a more nurturing relationship with your child. You’ll also learn how to take a non-judgemental approach when it comes to interacting with your child.
We’ll dive into:
Why creating space and forgiving yourself (and others) are essential practices on the path to creating your mental makeover
How practicing radical acceptance can change your relationship with your child
Making room in your mind to see your child for who they are
You’ll use the following tools:
Mental Makeover Roadmap: This handout will help you put it all together — from creating space and understanding your own story to taking a non-judgemental approach in your parenting — so you can begin to interact with your child with patience and empathy.
Module 05
Perspective is Everything
In this module, you’ll learn about the mental transformation that takes place when you transform how you perceive your child. We’ll cover asking the right questions, becoming non-judgemental, and understanding the best ways to communicate with your child.
By the time you’re finished with Module 5, you’ll have the knowledge to begin to feel and parent differently. When your child behaves in an undesirable way, your first instinct will be to listen and to ask – not to react. Instead of judging your child’s behavior, you’ll be seeking to understand and communicate.

We’ll dive into:
Transforming how you see your child
How asking the right questions can help you see your child differently
Developing the skills of communication, collaboration, and connection with your child
You’ll use the following tools:
An Affirmation Meditation to aid you in solidifying the knowledge that you are capable of parenting differently and that the changes you’re seeing are real and sustainable.
A Reflective Journaling Exercise to help you identify the opportunities where you can replace reaction and judgment with understanding and communication.
A Sharing Exercise in the Facebook group, so you can feel seen and supported by parents who are on a similar journey.

Module 06
Creating Space
In this module, you’ll learn how to create space for your child — both mentally and physically. Since children who’ve endured trauma may not know how to communicate their needs or what they’re feeling, we’ll also cover how to assess your child’s behavior and surroundings to better understand what their needs are.
By the time you’re finished with Module 6, you’ll understand the importance of trust and safety when it comes to open communication. You’ll know how to help your child feel safe so they can begin to practice communicating, and you’ll know how to ensure they feel important and valuable to you and your family.
We’ll dive into:
Why feeling safe is vital for children who have experienced trauma
How healthy communication leads to building trust and safety
Why your child may not yet know how to communicate what they’re feeling
You’ll use the following tools:
Case Study Review: What’s it like to go from chaos to calm, “The Dixson Story”.
A Journaling Exercise designed to help you reflect on creating space for your child and identify opportunities to foster feelings of safety and security.
Phase 3: Empowerment
Becoming a Present, Engaged Parent
Module 07
Expect the Change
In this module, you’ll finally start to experience the change. Now it’s time to enter the first phase of empowered, drama-free parenting. Remember: the goal isn’t to create perfect kids who never misbehave; instead, it’s to develop the confidence you need in order to help your child develop healthy responses.
By the time you’re finished with Module 7, you’ll be ready to focus on becoming a present parent. You’ll have the know-how to intentionally engage your child, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a parent who knows how to confidently handle any type of behavior your child exhibits.

We’ll dive into:
The three steps to becoming a present parent
How to intentionally engage with your child in the moment
How to intentionally engage with your child in the moment
How to intentionally engage with your child in the moment
You’ll use the following tools:
A Journaling Exercise to help you brainstorm ways to stay present, intentionally engage, and address behaviors in the moment.
Developing Healthy Responses Handout to assist you in getting comfortable guiding your child in developing healthy responses and self-confidence.

Module 08
Visualize the Change
In this module, we’ll work together to help you develop a clear picture of what these changes might look like in your daily life as a parent. You’ll continue to fine-tune redeveloping your mind so you can adapt to new parenting behaviors that will last. In order for you to continue to build confidence for you and your child, it’s going to be important for you to keep practicing communication, collaboration, and connection.
By the time you’re finished with Module 8, you’ll be able to visualize what you want your daily life to look like as a drama-free parent. You’ll understand why it’s important to keep moving forward with your mindset work, and you’ll even have your own vision board to help remind you of your goals.
We’ll dive into:
How will these changes affect your daily life as a parent?
What does the “new you” look like?
Why it’s important to continue working on your mindset
You’ll use the following tools:
Vision Board Exercise: You’ll design and build a vision board from scratch, using SMART goals to help you build the vision for your safe, empowering, drama-free home.
Module 09
Live the Change
In this module, you’ll delve into the 3C+, including what it is, why it matters, and how you can make it part of your everyday life. We’ll also talk about how to stay at peace with the things you cannot control and how staying connected with your own thoughts and feelings will help you build better communication with your children.
By the time you’re finished with Module 9, you’ll understand the 3C+ method and have the knowledge to implement it in your daily parenting. You’re now on your way to raising confident, secure children who make good choices!

We’ll dive into:
The 3C+ Method and how to make it part of your everyday life
Why it’s important to stay connected to your own thoughts and feelings
Practicing communication, connection, and collaboration
You’ll use the following tools:
12 Ways to Communicate Handout: This handout features 12 ways to practice the first C, communication, so that you can build better communication habits with your child or grandchild.
10 Ways to Connect Worksheet: Running out of ideas when it comes to new ways to connect with your child? This worksheet is here to help!
9 Easy Ways to Collaborate Flowchart: Are you overthinking it when it comes to collaborating with your child? This flowchart offers 9 easy ways to not only get started on collaboration, but to make it a regular practice in your home.
This program is already PACKED with value, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy Ebook Bundle, including:

Bonus 1: Going to the Store is Fun Again
7 must-have tactics for stopping your child’s in-store tantrums

Bonus 2: Hugs and Kisses: How to Spend Quality Time with Your Grandkids

Bonus 3: How to Have Drama-Free Travel with Kids
PLUS, The first 5 people to enroll will receive a 60-minute, 1:1 coaching call with Richard.
YES! That’s a LOT of value! Need a recap?

Here’s everything you get inside
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy:
Trauma Checklist
Awakening to “Power Over” Parenting Style Patterns Worksheet
Identifying Your Triggers Guide
The Forgiveness Letter Worksheet
Mental Makeover Roadmap
Case Study Review
Developing Healthy Responses Handout
Vision Board Exercise
Guided Meditations on Forgiveness, Healing, and More
12 Ways to Communicate Handout
10 Ways to Connect Worksheet
9 Easy Ways to Collaborate Flowchart
Journaling Exercises
Community Sharing Exercises
PLUS these bonuses:
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy Ebook Bundle, including:
Bonus 1: Going to the Store is Fun Again
7 must-have tactics for stopping your child’s in-store tantrums
Bonus 2: Hugs and Kisses: How to Spend Quality Time with Your Grandkids
Bonus 3: How to Have Drama-Free Travel with Kids
Ready to say goodbye to chaos and stress and say hello to confidence in your parenting, connection with your child, and peace in your home?
Your experience with The Drama-Free Parenting Academy starts immediately once you enroll. When you click the “Get Started Here” button below, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. hen you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will also contain instructions
on how to access your learning portal.
If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and make sure you get the most out of the program.
Choose from one of three options:
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy
9 recorded video modules, delivered weekly
27 tools and exercises
3 value-packed bonuses
Access to The Drama-Free Parenting Academy private Facebook group
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy
OR two payments of $344
9 recorded video modules, delivered weekly
27 tools and exercises
3 value-packed bonuses
Access to The Drama-Free Parenting Academy private Facebook group
PLUS Weekly Group Coaching
PLUS 3 Live Q&A calls
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy
OR two payments of $1,150
9 recorded video modules, delivered weekly
27 tools and exercises
3 value-packed bonuses
Access to The Drama-Free Parenting Academy private Facebook group
Weekly Group Coaching
3 Live Q&A calls
PLUS 6 In-Depth, Step-by-Step Behavior Training Webinars
PLUS 6 60-Minute One-on-One Coaching Calls with Richard

100% Safe and Secure Checkout
Payment processed through secure gate network
30-Day No-Risk Guarantee
If you’re not completely satisfied with the Drama-Free Parenting Academy, simply send us an email within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund your money.
No fuss, no drama!

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will I have access to the material?
A: You’ll have immediate access to the Intro Module and Module 1 as soon as you join the program. The remaining modules will be released each week, and you will have lifetime access to the course materials.
Q: How much time should we set aside per week?
A: Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete each module.
Q: How do I ask questions or get feedback during the program?
A: If you selected one of the upgraded options that include Live Q&A Calls, please email your questions to and expect a response within 24 hours.
Q: How long is the program?
A: The program is 9 modules. Once you complete your purchase, you’ll have immediate access to the Introduction and to Module 1. After that, one new module will be released each week.
Questions About Next Steps?
Have a question that isn’t answered here? You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.
The Drama-Free Parenting Academy is here to help you stop living in a state of stress and frustration so you can feel confident in your parenting, understand your child’s needs, connect with your child on a meaningful level, and create a peaceful, safe home environment where your family can thrive.
You don’t have to keep losing sleep at night worrying about what the future might look like for your child or grandchild.
You don’t have to live with that feeling of fear you get every time you receive a phone call or email from your child’s school.
You don’t have to be anxious about your child having a tantrum or meltdown every single time you take them into the grocery store.
You don’t have to spend your nights combing through Facebook groups, hoping that someone, somewhere has the magical solution for you.
Are you ready to go from chaos to calm and become a Drama-Free Parent? I can’t wait to witness the lightbulb moments, the progress, and the growth — for you and your child.